Less is More – Special planning in Interior Design

Have you thought about decorating your home? But you don’t know how to do it?


Steve Barbarich, an internet marketing consultant, entrepreneur, philanthropist and now an Interior Designer talks about the new age in Interior Design and how he deal with decorating houses.

“In the new era of interior design “less is more” is an important idea that worth following in most cases. The need to put too much in space is too tempting and often leads to crowded areas. When designing your space keep in mind the following rules to make sure of non-cluttered spaces:

1- Give at least 2 to 3 feet distance between any pieces of furniture excluding the end table or nightstand. This range will highlight your furniture respectively.

2 – Never put furniture in an area that comes off on the walkway, hallway or doorway, and also consider the flow of a walkway. The in and out should always keep clear.

3- When decorating shelves, start with more on the bottom, and should end with less on top.

4- If you think it is possibly too crowded, it usually means for sure it will be. So think before you buy furniture.

5 – When you have limited spaces, consider putting shelves on walls instead of drawers.

Once you master these rules, you could create a beautiful and comfortable home.” Steve Barbarich.

Interior design was quite intense these days. People always want to style they’re home to be on the trend. They want their furniture updated at all time. It’s like dressing up! Some are probably doing it right, but some might be in trouble and don’t know where to start.

It seems easy if you know what you want, and how you want your house to look afterward. You have three choices of style in decorating your home. It’s either:

A. Traditional, a timeless furnishing. It uses a neutral color and classic furniture.
B. Contemporary, which is something sleek and cool style. Usually, it contains an element of surprises such as bright colors, luxurious furniture, and all white interiors.
C. Eclectic furnishing, a mix of traditional furnishing.

You need an eye in choosing furniture to make a perfect interior design. Think about buying the right furniture, choice of furniture that you desire that will match your style. And consider your space. Your space is the most important factor before you can start furnishing your home.

If you are still in trouble on how to start decorating your home then never lose hope. There are some professional interior designer and architectural experts out there who can help you. Just find the right one. It will make your life a lot easier, and you won’t be wasting your time and spending a lot of furniture that you don’t need. Or think about the rules from the expert Steve Barbarich. That may give you an idea on how to start decorating your home and become one of the finest Interior Designer and Architectural Expert someday.